A bridge located just outside a small Po-Dunk town in southeast Missouri where the locals go to fight. This bridge illuminates a mystical allure which destroys what most would consider rational adult behavior. Oh, almost forgot, this bridge also serves as a means to cross a small creek with a motor vehicle.
Hey ya-all, lets go to 1st bridge and have some fun, yeeee-haw.
by city boy transplant October 6, 2010
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A state of mind that causes you to think the world is burning, and the smallest setback can bring on “Fuck it. Time to live under a bridge
Cyrus stone bubbled the deep eleven in the middle of a $75,000 upswing, prompting full bridge mode
by Gossip Gary September 28, 2021
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When two guys connect hands over two girls facing each other in doggy position.
I was just bridging with my friend last night with two girls from the bar
by pussyslaver69 September 27, 2022
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Person 1: “Yo, you heard about Miles Bridges beating his wife and shi.”
Person 2: “Oh yeah, he was fasho bridging.”
Random weird nigga walking by: “Damn, hope I don’t get locked up for bridging.”
by Dat Platypussy October 20, 2022
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The act of taking one's penis and pulling it between their legs and inserting it into the anus. Only possible with a larger penis.
Bob: "Yeah man, last night was wild, I was bridging all night"
by foudduh June 17, 2024
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Similar to the Aztec's, Bridging requires a sacrifical person to be the focus point. Whilst surrounded by homeless people whom all take turns to rim the sacrifice, and after their turn has finsihed, begin to furiously masturbate into a collected area. The sacrifice will in turn masturbate and jump into the collective pile of body fluid to complete their Bridging.
I can't wait to go "Bridging" tonight.

It's my turn to go "Bridging"

Maybe we could organise some "Bridging" for the weekend honey.
by IanSadler February 2, 2022
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Similar to the sex position "The Eiffel Tower", the Tacoma Narrows Bridge is performed by having a girl on hands and knees, where sweet fellacio is happening at one end with one happy male, while the dirty plowing is occurring with man #2 in the back. However, a real Tacoma Narrows Bridge occurs when one man blows massive load early, and his body succumbs to the moment and he collapses, preferably into a river.
Hot dog! Dale and Troy hit me hard last night with a Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Troy lost control and yeeted himself into the river. We had to call the Coast Guard!
by kreed321 September 22, 2019
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