A man that has a fetish of applying

hot pepper/pepper sauce on his balls.
I have a thing for chilli balls during the nasty
by M&J made this😂 September 2, 2023
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'hey man,! i just mollywhoped this big bitch. "
by libra-aries bby93 February 17, 2010
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A promiscuous man who is always seeking and searching who can't seem to settle down.
Hey! That guy has wondering ball's I wouldn't trust him.
by Rob Ruger November 3, 2021
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today i went to the sussy amogus sugoma balls dababy school and I learned a lot about sussy stuffs
by C17H21NO4 cock January 25, 2022
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Balling-out, is an ancient technique when one puts their testicles in the waistband of their pants. Showing their balls to everyone.
Franco when Ball-out and is now a sex offender, because he was within 100ft of a school.
by Loobie69 August 7, 2022
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