a Balkan female who is obsessed with Caucasian men, usually ones with long hair and who live in Western Asia. they also are often talented with things such as drawing, and are known for being stereotypical horse girls.
P1: did you see that Albanian girl in Ohrid?
P2: yea, don't go near her though, she's a strange under star
by maoledong September 20, 2023
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A metaphore for saving money while physically suffering from cold, heat, hunger, pain, etc. while the end goal for saving money is not worth it.
This metaphore can also be used to describe the act of not wanting to buy a tool, gadget, etc. that would make the job significantly easier.
This metaphore cannot be applied to those that cannot afford to spend money. For example, a college student that eats a meal rejected by ethiopians just to save money for books, rent, etc.
"I don't use the AC (of the car) because it uses more gas. I could use that money to buy a coffee."
Here the person suffers from heat, just to have that small pleasure to drink a coffee.
So next time a person says anything of this sort, just say "Stop eating from under your ass".
Other examples of people that eat from under their ass:
- A person that has the possibility to go to the dentist in their own country, but chooses to suffer for months until he/she has time to go to another country for a more affordable dental care, even though this person can totally afford the dental care in his/her country.
- A person that does not want to use a heater to heat their bathroom, thus choosing to suffer from cold to save a bit on electricity, an electricity bill that they could afford to pay anyway.
- A truck driver that does not use any kind of GPS, because GPS is for pussies, thus choosing more hard ways to get to his destination. Finding his destination will require to look at physical maps, to ask people at gas stations and/or calling other people to ask for directions. All these actions may give the driver some level of stress.
- A guy that eats milk and cereal so he has money for gas to drive his 5th hand 2003 BMW M5 on the weekends, at the end week he doesn't even have money to buy a deodorant.
by LLamadan January 8, 2019
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At a brothel you postion yourself on your hands and knees. She starts at the crack and tougues up to your knob.
''Boy that under and over i got last night was a sloppy one''
by underandover69 February 20, 2014
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A slip of a woman's vagina beneath a dress or skirt that is seen or photographed by another person accidentally, casually, deviously and/or sexually.
Guy 1: "Sweet under beaver shot brah, you can totally see her lips and everything!"
by Furrlurp June 24, 2015
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The clothing that every kid in your class who wants to join the NBA wears, typically found with Nike shoes.
Normie: Yo sup pooper I just got my hands on this lit clout under armor shirttt!
Kid: I don’t care.
by Boing Doinkus December 20, 2018
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A common phrase to describe someone who is suffering from a seizure or similar epileptic fit.
Person 1: Is Barbara okay?
Person 2: Don't mind her, she's just under the spaghetti.
by Haynick August 8, 2018
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Apparently, you're a stupid little prick with no idea what 1+1 is, so, the very good and totally not infamous COPPA will remove all your human rights, or force people over 13 to fucking make everything kid-friendly (this happened to YouTube).
tldr: A person who is under 13 has no human rights, because of stereotypes.
User: Dude, I'm 12. But I'm matured, don't worry.
The majority of the internet: Damn, I hate you now for being born a year earlier than 13 year olds.
COPPA: I hate ya too buddy.

User 1: Dude, I bet you're under 13!
User 2: Shut the fuck up.
by TesTy_DaBlockz October 6, 2023
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