A psychological effect cause by the consumption of excess chili in which the afflicted can not remember anything.
Alex Jones ate so much, he ate himself stupid.’
‘Yeah. He’s got Chili Amnesia.’
by WhereEaglesDare August 6, 2022
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When you defecate on a woman's chest then have sex with her breasts
Brandon ate some Rudy's then gave a random chick a Toledo Chili Dog
by B Random419 April 29, 2022
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When someone eats so much chili that they poop their pants and fill the room with highly toxic gas.
"Man, Why did you chili nuke?"
by You stupid... October 7, 2020
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The delayed onset muscle soreness from eating something too spicy. Like with exercise is usually takes two days to take full effect.
Mate I've got really bad chili doms, my stomach is cramping so bad. I think it's from that curry yesterday.
by King Tiny November 1, 2018
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A well-dressed, elegant gentleman who typically presides over chili competitions. The earliest known chili commissioner lived in the United Kingdom during the renaissance. They are long thought to have connections to the Knights Templar and other ancient orders.
Hi, I'm the Chili Commissioner! I'd like to thank you for coming today! Ha!
by Phillipsd89 February 10, 2016
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Is a person that likes to perform anal sex.
I heard he was freaky in bed and was know as a chili bowl bandit.
by Bill jax July 5, 2017
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This is similar to a chili dog but actual chili is used instead of feces. Chili is poured on somebody’s boobs and then you titty fuck them. Bonus points if you eat the chili afterwards especially if you came in it.
William: Yo did you hear about clean chili dogging? I’d actually be down for that.
Bob: Ew no I’m not a cacaphile!
William: no this is a version with chilli instead of feces
Bob: oh hell yeah
by ChodeFilA June 1, 2022
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