The "Oklahoma Alamo" is a sexual term referring to two people, fucking raw in the backseat of an extended cab truck, adjacent to a cornfield, getting caught by the owner of the land they're on, and being shot with a rifle.

It is important to know the act doesn't technically qualify if done in any other vehicle subtype (sedan, SUV, et cetera,) or if done adjacent to any other type of field, like wheat, for example.

The rifle can be substituted for a shotgun in a pinch, however, as that would not affect the general principle of the thing.
Betty and Randy went down to Jerry's field for a good time and ended up catching The Ol' Oklahoma Alamo. May their souls rest easy in Heaven. I hope Randy at least got his rocks off before he met Jesus.
by Daryl Johntson February 12, 2021
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Mustache rides with a side of crazy, just for kicks.
"Oooh, I bet she's got some tricks up her sleeves. Tell her I can give her the ol' springer special for free when I'm in town"
by Steven Grand September 25, 2013
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The baddest motherfuckers to ever live. An order of individuals who display the most esteemed amount of gentlemanly conduct and loyalty. Drink it down, drink it down!
“We are a Grand Ole’ Gang”
by tigerbird5476 March 30, 2021
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also known as a dorris, mum, mom, an Ol dot is just a cool name for your mum or any mum
cant wait, my ol dot is cookin a roast tonight yum yum.

hey paul you coming out tonight?
na me ol dot said ive got to stay in :(

nice weed buh yeah me ol dot got it for me
by dave davids February 5, 2010
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Similar to a Hot Karl but when you instead of hitting a foe at point blank rand you instead throw a poo filled tube sock from a distance of 30 ft or more.
I just hit Jared with a big ole Karl.
by Dygatron January 16, 2012
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The coolest teacher in school, will bring you hot chocolate. Will be your #1 fan and support you through thick and thin. Really happy all the time and delivers the best dad jokes!
person #1: Our teacher forgot about the test we were supposed to have today so we ate cake instead!
person #2: Lucky! Your teacher is such an Ole Christian!
by xxelmexx February 13, 2020
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When a rather large man puts his tip into a small woman's vaginal opening, jumps into the air, slams her against the bed, and thrusts his entire dick inside of her, practically balls deep. This usually ends in ruptured insides and loss of a partner.
"Hey, man, how was the date? Did you guys smash?"
"Oh, the date was fine, but I had to drive her to the ER after trying The Ol' Nagasaki."
"Shit, bro."
by MoistAndThrobbing December 22, 2017
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