Zoonked - to be high out of ya brains
Jimmy : how was the weed in Cali ?

Terio: bruh shit had me zonked , I
by Icy.shev April 17, 2018
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Hitting something or getting hit with an enormous amount of force.
I sure got zonked by Tim back there.
I zonked Jeff pretty hard in chemistry.
by Biggest chungus January 19, 2019
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To be very high on marijuana.
"Look at Zack. He's absolutely zonked right now"
by Bengonto June 10, 2023
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Being "zonked" is the feeling one gets after smoking a large amount of marijuana just before they green out. See "green out" for more information.
"Bro I was so Zonked last night the walls started singing to me"
by GirthQuake Jake November 11, 2020
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Absolutely exhausted to an extent where you cannot function normally and your body and mind must rest, usually due to an over-abundance of social interaction.
After socializing for 5 hours I was absolutely zonked, so I had to take a long nap.
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When someone has instantly passed out while sitting or laying down
Guy A: "Damn, Guy B just Zonked as soon as he closed his eyes"
by Deathmuffin22 February 25, 2020
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V. Another way to say one is tired and/or fall asleep fast.
by Mliv July 4, 2020
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