Hot spicy condiment from northeastern Minnesota.
I prefer just mild-flavored food; no "Mesabi Wasabi" types of dishes for me, thank you very much!
by QuacksO February 26, 2021
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when a guy consumes lots of tapatio or other type of hot sauce and finishes off on a girls lips.
Guy 1: Man I gave that one bitch some wasabi lipstick.
Guy 2: Yeah how she take it?
Guy 3: Nigguh that bitch couldn't even talk after having that shit all over her lips.
by Thatone Ninja March 14, 2008
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This is when you get thrown some serious shade, but just sit there and take it to not cause a scene.
Angela was trashing James but he just Wanted to sit there and eat the wasabi.
by Word_Addict11 October 27, 2015
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A condom filled with wasabi that one proceeds to stick his dick in.
Oswald gave her the wasabi glove last night. Now he's in the intensive care unit.
by BootyInferno December 8, 2013
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The inflammation of your fingers(sausage like) after having a nice hot and spicy piece of sushi only after dunking the sushi knuckles deep into a luscious mixture of soy sauce and potent wasabi.
You won't be able to text correctly with those wasabi fingers
by Ole faithful July 27, 2015
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the most potato directioner there is, secretly a ziam shipper and has 6000 secret names
“has anyone seen wasabi bitch?”
oh you mean redacted?”
by [redacted] December 5, 2020
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a girl on twitter who’s name is a very well kept secret
“hey do you know wasabi bitch?”

“wait is that the same person as, gorgy, angie and swagmaster?”
by [redacted] December 16, 2020
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