Contrary to the definition written below, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat for moral reasons or the fact that they do not like meat. Actually, some/most of these people attack you if you eat meat.
Vegetarian:Dude why do people eat meat they have rights too?!?
by Joelfan515 November 14, 2007
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The person in the village who could not:

1. Hunt

2. Fish

3. Trap

(only allowing them to eat vegatables)
John sucks at hunting so he will probably become a vegetarian.
by green4 February 4, 2010
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Village idiot who cannot fish, hunt, or ride.
Meat eater:
Hey! Look! It's the funny looking vegetarian guy who can't hunt! Let's all go make fun of him!
by Everlasting First November 27, 2008
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One who is rich, mainly pertaining to the amount of jewelry they possess. Usually referring to the amount of carats in the jewels.
Requan: You see Dee yesterday?
Chris: Yea, he got so many carats he's a vegetarian.
by TheGhost3000 April 28, 2006
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An umbrella term for the meatless community without specifying the type of vegetarian. Covers all forms of vegetarianism: pescatarian, lacto-vegetarian, vegan, etc.
The vegetarian+ community forgoes meat consumption as an everyday resistance to the status quo.

Not sure if she's vegan, but she's vegetarian+ for sure. Big environmentalist vibes.
by @veganbernie December 12, 2019
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A person who does not eat meat, including birds and fish. Many times vegetarians believe that killing animals today for food is immoral and unnecessary because we are able to survive off of other foods. A person who doesn't eat any meat except for fish is a pescatarian. A person who doesn't eat any meat or other animal products such as eggs, milk, and cheese is a vegan.
There are meat eaters, pescatarians, vegetarians, vegans, and raw foodists (which becomes obsessive compulsive in my opinion).
by jessica July 4, 2003
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1) Someone who must constantly justify him/herself, due to the fact that many meat-eaters feel threatened/intimidated by vegetarians and react by making ignorant, offensive comments to make themselves feel better.
2) One who does not eat meat. This includes fish and poultry (chicken and fish are not plants!)

not to be confused with vegan
I'll have the vegetarian pizza, please.
by Starblossom January 25, 2004
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