A name. A real Name. He's a real boy!
James Busch is A name. A real Name. He's a real boy!.
Obvs you dumb fuk
by HighFryer October 19, 2023
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When one gets completely inebriated on Busch Latte and feels like shit
"Cody failed to make it into work today, because he has the Busch Sprite-itis."
by The Ole Dude February 10, 2023
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the consequential morning after drinking busch beer that usually results in rancid gas and/or very unusual (typically runny) excrement release.
jeez whatd you do in here?!
-i have the buschs.
by judofudo January 28, 2012
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To be evasive when questioned as to whether you've been drinking, or when asked if you have an alcohol problem.
It's unfortunate dat da inebriated Ethan Couch wasn't pulled over prior to his crashing into those other vehicles, or said accident might never have happened, since da cop would have seen dat he was very definitely "half in da bag" and prevented him from driving any further... Ethan would likely have performed a classic "beat around the Busch" routine, though, if a cop had asked him if he'd "had a few" that night.
by QuacksO May 29, 2020
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A typical redneck father. Always wearing work boots no matter what he's doing at the time. Also mainly wears sleeveless shirts, work shirts, or flannels. Mostly interested in mowing the lawn, guns, drinking beer and general rural debauchery. Heavily blue collar.
"Is Tim lighting off fireworks again? It's not even a holiday!" "Yeah he's just being a Busch Light Dad again."
by Pokesystem July 16, 2023
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national day for bush light, cuz who doesn’t need busch light in their life
busch light day is the day to get fucked up and have a great time with your brotha’s
by cdmax March 18, 2021
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A hard word only used by specials to infer bitch
You busch
by reubenaaaaaa June 15, 2020
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