What occurs when two lesbians have been donut bumpin' back and forth, while on their periods.
After those two broads were done bagel bumping, it looked like somebody left strawberry donuts at a crime scene.
by Buster Belair April 6, 2021
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When you take a butt plug and stick it in the vagina of a girl on her period, give it a quick dip in her butt, then pop it in her mouth like a pacifier.
"You look hungry, babe. You know what's in season this month? A fresh Michigan Strawberry. Pop out the tampon, let's do this right."
by Pop'n Fresh March 9, 2012
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The act of giving someone a hickey so brutal, that the piece of skin sucked on becomes insanely bloody and large.
Bro, I can't see the new Spiderman movie because the strawberry Norquist that my girlfriend gave me on my neck is way too noticeable and hurts like hell.
by Jabba the Butt May 31, 2018
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to forcefully shove your fingers into an intoxicated friend’s mouth, triggering their gag reflex to encourage them to vomit
"Dude, Hector is WASTED. You better give him the Strawberry Special"
by ThatGaryMG September 5, 2021
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Majira Strawberry is a strawberry fox who loves strawberrries and hates cherries. He has a floofy tail and hates sidewalks. Too many shoe laces and he's out. His best bro is none other than Fjord Frost. He has a 1.0 (scary), a 2:0 (the best so far), and a 3.0 (eh mixed emotions, but mostly depressed about it). He eats too much chicken and drank too much waffles. "Hey guys it's Majira welcome to another video!" Majira means summer in Swahili or something. Also forgot to mention he's a furry. he also has a life threatening fear of room fans so summer (or should I say majira ) is scary so that's why he used his college funds on AC.
#Majira Strawberry for president 2020
by Eloquence the Wolf August 5, 2018
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A term coined for Taiwanese people born from 1990s onwards. Used to describe how people from this generation bruise easily, like strawberries.
Strawberry generation can't do real work. All they do is drink bubble tea and disrespect their parents.
by caater December 27, 2022
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Expression used by Christopher when his wonderful girlfriend Ella starts to blush.
Haha, so telling you "you're amazing" has you going strawberries huh?
by Username_Nobody_1 May 1, 2019
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