Something that is total bullshit that only a complete dumby would believe. Usually people with no friends say things that are pish posh apple sauce.
I laid 3 times last night.
Thats pish posh apple sauce!
by asdfdasfdsaasf January 25, 2012
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A cool asian guy's nickname on youtube
"Yo have you seen Da Pish Posh Man? He's hilarious"
by pishposhman October 22, 2008
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A person who wears many layers of clothes.
Look at her..."wrapped up like a pish hoose spicket"
by Big Mairtin November 8, 2021
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Someone who's breath is bad. Implying that their breath is as bad as pish (Scot; Urine)
"Aye awright pish breath, calm doon eh'
by Mish MoneyP June 18, 2016
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Pish Dust is very low grade poor quality street heroin sold by Indy, a rubbish drug dealer in Leeds UK
I couldn't get any decent gear today so had to buy a bag of Pish Dust for the time being
by ChrisHearfield February 26, 2021
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Pish Dust is extremely poor quality low grade street heroin that is not at all value for money
I couldn't get hold of any decent gear so as a last resort scored a bag of Pish Dust
by ChrisHearfield February 26, 2021
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Someone who knows how to really piss you off!
The boss is being a complete pish weasel today!
by TCL&J September 8, 2017
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