One man whom's male genitals extends the universe average size and using it to have sexual intercourse in the capital of England, London.

Some may say that this "Big Dick Ove" is a mythological creature only existing in the minds of 10 year old girls, but scientists new research now suggests that this mysterious creature in fact does exist.
-Hey dude is that a big dick ove?
-Nah man those don't exist.
-But i saw in illustrerad vetenskap that they have new evidence that they do.
-Holy shit dude take a photo.
by SuQMadDiQ March 8, 2018
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One man whom's male genitals extends the universe average size and using it to have sexual intercourse in the capital of England, London.

Some may say that this "Big Dick Ove" is a mythological creature only existing in the minds of 10 year old girls, but scientists new research now suggests that this mysterious creature in fact does exist.
Guy 1 -Hey dude is that a Big Dick Ove?

Guy 2 - Nah man those don't exist.

Guy 1 -But i saw in Illustrerad Vetenskap that they have new evidence that they do.

Guy 2 -Holy shit dude take a photo.
by SuQMadDiQ February 22, 2018
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Means Bottle of Water, usually used to make fun of the British people.

''Hey dude! Get me a Bo''le Ov Wa'Ah'', Hahaha!
by NWFdic March 2, 2023
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Ove is the best pupsi in the world, he will never hate you.
He loves everyone, especially that one Marvin.
Marvin: Hi Ove
Ove: I love you
by morukuu June 2, 2020
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Short for “over” commonly used by team alboe for when you are in a bad situation
“I left a whole sheet blank on the math test”
“You’re ove
by Dakidfromthe847 April 21, 2023
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Ove is a beautiful name that exsists people who has this name is loveable and funny.
I met this Ove today he seems nice and he made me laugh!
by Hvgjvjhihoj December 23, 2016
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