A term used to define a new person. The new term for noob, generally used by online gamers and in gaming forums. On D2jsp.com, a random is a person thats new and only +1's topics for posts. This also can define users that are not liked by other more popular users, TheElite, JUVAHOLICS woof woof , and Spdwar can be randoms on Pvp east.
Lajo is such a random for locking all those threads
by GhostNYC February 13, 2008
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</randomness> is something like </sarcasm>, it's used to mean that the randomness is over using html tags to attempt to be funny. Used correctly it might be funny.
leik1337boi: What's your problem?
ytmndfool: Cheese~!!!~</randomness>
leik1337boi:.................. You're insane.....
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The act of being naked; most commonly associated with sleeping in the nude. (Adjective)
Cindy enjoys sleeping random on occasion.
by AJD1011 May 25, 2008
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randomize – to make random sentences of randomly random randomness upon the random subject that randomly is, most randomly likely, also random.........random
”he randomized the randometer with random randomness concerning its randominity randomizing abilities of random randomness”

”the randometer was randomly randomized by the randomly random randomaster of random randominity of which the randomly random randometer randomly randomizes randomly”
by GSD Ste V B June 13, 2006
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someone you kiss and/or have sex with, whome you have never met before
' whod you hook up with last night? '
'Just some random'
by April August 4, 2004
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MGO term = Randoms refer to when making a survival or tournament team in Metal Gear Online and you play with people who you and your fellow teammates are not familiar/don't know anything about...
Aw man I keep getting owned in tourny when i play with randoms. Let's recruit some people for our clan so that we play with people we know
by vertoxz June 15, 2009
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Synonym for 'random' - a person unknown to a group or one who says/does things which are inconsequential, makes contributions which are unconnected with the topic under discussion or behaves in ways which do not match the norms of a group or sub-culture.
Some randomer just walked in and left a plastic gnome on the bar.
by maninbeijing April 8, 2013
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