The n word pass is an almighty pass that allows you to say the word ni-, which is considered a very raist, yet memey word
ay yo obama can you give me the n word pass?
ya sure dude
by seargantpotato April 17, 2020
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The most prestigious N word pass there is. Only one man has this pass.
Did you here that Sheldon Cooper got Obama's N word pass?
by BluAsh January 14, 2019
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The ultimate phase of the famous N-Word Pass, this pass gives you +100 in hood and makes you able to say the N-Word

Also, this pass makes you automatically a part of the brotherhood and you have the maximus respect of the word

The only way to get the N-Word Pass VIP+ is getting it from Obama.
random white guy: Hey hey hey my nibba

Black guy: Wait a second, do you have an N-Word Pass VIP+?
random white guy: yeah yeah nibba

Black guy: Alright, welcome to the hood
The White Bro: *Upgrades to level 100 Boss*
by JustRalphBruh October 16, 2020
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This is the ultimate n word pass, it shall be given from the darkest person at your college, school, or whatever education level your at. This gives permission to say the N word around anyone, except when your legally speaking, please dont.
by Samuel Pale November 16, 2019
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at the beginning of time the five most powerful black people in the world came together and called on the power of the gods to make the holy n word pass. this n word pass is infinite and can be used against anyone in the world, only one person holds this n word pass. that person is god himself
" i think i just saw the holy n word pass"
" that cant be possible that belongs to god himself"
by aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh April 17, 2019
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You are allowed to say the word if you are white if you are singing, threatened, or you got the n word pass from a black or light skinned kid
Singing Cameolot and it says nigga but you are white. You are still allowed to say the n word considering these are the N-Word Pass rules
by Definey Boy October 24, 2019
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There’s no such thing as an n-word pass. The n-word has been used against black people for years. It was and is still being screamed at them as they were and are being murdered and beaten just for their skin color. If you’re not black don’t say it.
by Everynameistakenlolz December 21, 2020
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