an excellent alternative rock band from california. they recieved their big break from the release of A Place in the Sun. very popular during the 1999-2000 period.
i saw Lit at the crazy donkey, and hung out with them aftwerwards! they rocked!
by Bobby Chan November 28, 2004
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Something that is extremely fun and poppin off
Nyasha: Oi boys, pool party at my house friday night +1 anyone
Nyasha: Whoops wrong convo
Group chat: Damn it, i wanted to go cause i thought it would be lit
by Mateplz September 19, 2016
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When you smoke marijuana but you have not smoked enough to be high. You are simply lit.
I decided just to get a lit, not high.
by DatAsss March 12, 2013
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Billy- hey farquan did you go to the party last night?

Farquan- yeah it was so lit
by 💕💕💦 February 21, 2016
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Refers to the amount of people who are lit, af, at a moment
Man, their were like five litnesses at the party last night
by Apauley March 30, 2016
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When something is turnt up or popping off. The original usage of the word came about as a way of describing the annual Christmas party thrown by the Bloods, comparing the condition of the party-goers to their world renowned traditionally decorated Christmas tree (it was both beautiful and fucking LIT).
"yo Kaitlyn, that Rick flair WOOO Tang t-shirt is LIT."
by HeavyweightChampionoftheWorld December 13, 2018
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Describing something is cool or exciting
by Hb14 September 21, 2017
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