The condition of not being able to read the room correctly.
Truman: The shovel was still in my hand when Ned said, "Well, can't you just get another pet?"
Brent: Take him to a doctor, he sounds like he's suffering from social dyslexia.
by BrentLabasan May 30, 2020
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When a person can't spell but are considered dyslexic.
"Look at how Gimzo spelled that sentence she must have soul dyslexia "
by omgitstrs November 12, 2020
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When the tweet you planned to post goes past the character limit, then you cut, change and edit, so you can fit it into one tweet. After you post it, you realize you left in/out a random word or had text/punctuation in the wrong place that makes it sound weird.
"By the time I realized my twitter dyslexia, people had already liked and re-tweeted it"
by trutherbotnet May 18, 2020
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Something you get after a blowjob
(It’s a reading a writing disorder you get from sucking dick)
Hey Zoey, were u born with dyslexia?
No, I gave a blowjob and got it
by Discordkitten888 September 10, 2021
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An illness where you have the inability to read properly and often mess up spelling.
Dyslexic Kid, "Hey bro I just got diagnosed with daily sex I should see if Karen wants to help out!"
Everyone else, "You sure you don't mean dyslexia?"
by Up The Mighty Blues August 31, 2021
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Girl: Hey doy

Boy: Bitch don’t you mean boy?
Girl: I said doy!
Boy: Bitch you got Bella Thorne Syndrome dyslexia
by Period pooh aye December 29, 2020
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Something you probably do not have if you knew how to spell it to look it up
"Hey, Paul, you think I have Dyslexia?" "No you idiot, how would you know that word if you were!"
by Lunewolf January 19, 2022
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