noun-the attitude of dis-interest and apathy that permeates an organization and it's employees.

Often recognizable by a weird, bouncing walk and a half open, breathing through the mouth facial expression.

can also be used as a verb-to fail miserably at a task and not care or even take pride in one's inability to master the simplest of jobs.
Dersky Der. Let's not put that on the shelf where it's labeled but put this on the floor where something else belongs.
by Dersky March 23, 2011
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Formally, it means "The Vulture" in German. One who is responsible for many aliases. One who is not too bright. One who is obnoxious and ignorant of many basic principles, especially in investing. One who thinks the world of himself and uses aliases to prop himself up in the eyes of others. One to be pitied.
Are you going to der Aasgeier's treehouse party this Saturday? All his friends will be there so there should be lots of room. He's ordering in a truckload of donuts.
by idoyhoo August 18, 2010
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Guy one: "Hey dude. Can I see your dick?"
Guy two: "Der fherk, dude."
by Miss Urban July 26, 2014
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It was reported today der Baminator stopped all air travel to Venezuela.
by RolloNavy January 12, 2011
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When someone says something stupid so you say duh in a stupider way.
Person: What this is blue right?
Me:Well duh der, can’t you see?
by Me me me stupid me 🙃 February 23, 2019
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A person who thinks they can repeatedly spam a group chat. Comes from an old saying about how Californians never shut up.
Bruh I am so fed up with Sam. He keeps spamming the group chat, he is such a cal-der.
by Riversause November 4, 2020
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A German saying for "This Shit" often used in situations where someone messed up or is acting immature.
Keven Kept on yelling "yeet" so billy replyed "der mist"
by A_John_Bolten February 4, 2018
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