said if you say somthing over AOL and do not want it to leave "the box"

started by- hoopernotballer & WSLover4Ever for reasons not to be named

hey could you please box taht last thing i said?

lets keep this in the box.
by you know October 9, 2003
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A cube shaped object that can hold things
Man: “Yo Roddy, where’s the stick?”

Roddy Rich: “Had to put a stick in the box
by Arpit is a fucking bucktee February 23, 2020
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A woman's vagina, pussy, or sexual organs
Travis: "Yo James why u eat the box so much, that shit is nasty be
James: "I love eating pussy, so much that imma join kappa alpha psi and eat all the box I can."
Travis: "I could never do that, especially since I am jamaican and all Jamaicans dont eat the box."
by Firmware20 July 10, 2006
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In British slang a box means a Kilo of Cannabis.
It comes from where the grower packs the bulk product into a vacuum bag to eliminate odours and conserve space with slight compression, and then proceeds to pack the bag in the Box.
Person 1: "Sosa was moving Bare boxes of loud around the midlands ever since back in the day"
Person 2: "Dem crew is Peak, say Nuttin"
by wahmeseh June 14, 2017
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“You’re going to go get boxed on a Friday or Saturday night. You don’t want to say you lost your shield when you were out drinking, so you carry a dupe.” -- Louis R. Anemone, a former NYPD chief of department, quoted in the New York Times in an article about fake badges carried by police officers
by Blue439 December 1, 2009
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East coast slang for upset or sad. Alternate form is “in my/his/her box.”
Ever since Emily broke up with him, Kyle has been in his box.”
“Leave her alone, she’s boxed.”
by Narpcotic January 7, 2021
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Mike: Annie boxed me

Steve: she opened your snapchat and didn't respond to you?

mike: sadly
by mak1622 September 1, 2016
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