When you hit up someone you barely know late at night and you're only looking for one thing: homework help.
This is due in six hours and I'm getting desperate...I think it's time for an academic booty call. "Heyyyyy this is Jenny from English class, have you started the project?"
by beaniemorton April 10, 2014
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People you call up just to chill with. Not exactly acquaintances, but not really friends either. They're kind of like disposible friends that are easier to get rid of.
person: Hey what are you doing?
Booty call friend: Not much.
person: Let's catch a movie yeah?
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Contacting several friends you never talk to because you have nothing better to do. Like a real booty call, only with friendship rather than sex. Being someone's friendship booty call isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Emily: Liz just texted me "hey, havnt tlkd 2 u in 4ev, wanna hang out?".

Kate: That's a friendship booty call. She sent me the same thing. All her real friends are out of town.
by FreakyGreenEyes May 10, 2010
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When you are making sweet love to a woman, you take her phone, set it on vibrate, shove it up her ass, then call her. Then she shits it out and talks dirty to you when you skeet skeet skeet on her face!
Dylon Cantu gave Johnithan a bermingham booty call. Those two freaks!!!
by dylon cantu October 2, 2007
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Calling someone who you don't want a relationship or sex with just to boost your self esteem
I called my ex for an emotional booty call because I was feeling lonely
by emg123 May 19, 2008
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An individual who exhibits self-control when confronted with a booty-call opportunity, regardless of the level of inebriation.
"My ex called last night at 2 trying to come over. I'm a booty-call jedi, though: I was horny and wasted but I still told her to skank off."


"I hooked up with Jhumpa last night, and I'm worried about tonight. Beer leads to drunkenness, drunkenness leads to horniness, horninness leads to the booty-call. Booty-call jedi will I be, I vow not to call her and risk the clap again."
by pbyoda April 19, 2008
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You freeze your cum in an ice tray, then stick it up your girls ass and vagina and while it melts you cum in her face causing cum to simultaneously come out of all of her holes.
My girlfriend likes to get kinky with ice so I gave her the Binghamton Booty Call.
by Jim Wolf January 10, 2009
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