Annabelle is a no good rat that will never have any sex life🐀🐀🐀
Annabelle is mean
by iromaaofpearl May 10, 2020
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Young Actress. Known mostly for her role as Carly in the movie "Little Miss Sunshine". She has also been on Nickelodeon, VH1, and TMZ Live! Her fan's are named FAnnabelle's.
Annabelle Roberts is an amazing actress. Annabelle Roberts loves her FAnnabelles.
by A FAnnabelle March 15, 2013
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Annabel is a hoe she flirts with everyone then they all end up not liking her that’s why she is single
Annabel is rude
by Jake and Zane 🤮 September 4, 2019
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A dirty Annabel is when two girls go down on each other at a coffee shop and the barista watches while making a frappe.
Did you hear that Emma and Madison did a dirty Annabel last night?
by ratbitch69 May 7, 2020
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A stupid whore that tries to steal your boyfriend when he’s rejected and blocked her multiple times. She can never take a hint and has a disgusting amount of moles on her face that make her look like she tried eating a chocolate chip cookie but missed her mouth entirely. She’s slept with a good majority of the school and every guy has said she’s looser and dryer than a 105 year old grandmother and would never do it again. She sends nudes to her “friend’s” boyfriend and is so dumb she has to take classes that are for children. She has zero body shape whatsoever and her double chin is absolutely terrible. She likes to say she has an ass when really all she has is upper thigh. She’s a manipulative cunt and a compulsive liar and no one should ever get close to her.
Annabelle Harris is a skanky bitch and no one likes her
by donthatecauseurmad September 3, 2020
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The best couple in the world. Absolute knobheads with great friends. Best Looking and the most perfect people you will ever meet.
Wow, look at Milan and Annabelle! I want to be like them one day
by Milan's friend raj January 20, 2021
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An ugly girl who is selfish and very rude. If you meet an Annabel stay far away and keep your boyfriend away as well or else she will steal him because she is evil and cringing
Annabel is a turtle
by Tiff tiff is not lying June 4, 2018
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