Weeaboo: a faggot who likes anime , then tries to act like their japanese but they're not.
Also they try to speak japanese but they end up speaking Gibberish.
Those Weeaboos told me to go suck dick after i made fun of attack on titan.
by LolImSoFat123 April 4, 2017
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A made up word used by americans to describe anyone who disagrees with their taste in anime.
The retarded kid called someone a weeaboo and got his teeth knocked out.
by AmSamurai December 5, 2016
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Its basically someone from age 12-40 who thinks their Japanese. A lot of people hate them and think they are annoying. Most will point out that a character looks or acts like Naruto or Sasuke. You CANNOT avoid them because they are everywhere. They go by otaku and neko. If they can draw they use the anime style. If they can't draw, they use really crappy bases just to draw their mary-sue all up against their "husband" and post it to deviantart for the rest of the weeaboos to see. If you call them out as a weeaboo they quickly take offence and say "I('m) am/part Japanese you hater!" They might write you down in a death note that they got from a con.
Mary: I'm a neko! NYAN!! I'm kawaii desu~ *is wearing cat ears*
Jess: You're such a weeaboo
Mary: NO IM NOT HATER! You're just jealous that I'm Japanese!

Jess: No you're not. Stop please
by canyounotfam December 22, 2015
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Detractors (who are themselves anime fan) use the term "weeaboo" to insult those who love anime, Japanese culture, just because a lot of American anime fans are white.
by Mystic Otaku March 19, 2009
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1-Better version of wapanese
2-Short of wannabe japanese

These guys are obsessed with anime more than they should. They try to talk Japanese but it ends with failure. You can hear they are saying basic japanese words like "Konnichiwa (hello)", "Arigatou (thanks)", "Watashi wa... (I am...)", "Baka (idiot)" and counting. They annoy otaku's so much (they should be).
weeaboo haven is such a weeaboo lmao
by WEEABOO HAVEN July 31, 2016
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A Person who LOVES anime and cant stop saying booty butt cheeks.
Dad: I love anime!
Mom: You Weeaboo
by BigHi123 June 18, 2018
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Weeabo-Anyone that watches anime on a daily basis
Damn David is such a weeaboo
by @xDeadshot_ November 7, 2017
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