When you wore a pager and were on call 24/7 for so many years that your hip still buzzes occasionally even though you no longer wear a pager.
Oh man my hip won't stop vibrating where I used to wear my pager all the time!
Dude you have Post Traumatic Pager Syndrome, just let it goooooo.
by DeCryptIcon February 21, 2022
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An anxiety disorder similar to PTSD affecting 3D Artists, digital modellers and CAD designers caused by stressful or distressing 3D modelling experiences.

Someone with PTMD often relives the traumatic event through dreams and flashbacks, and may experience feelings of isolation, irritability and guilt.

This particularly manifests as an adverse reaction to songs heard during the event which trigger flashbacks and is thought to affect approximately 1 in 1 people who experience modelling trauma.

Sufferers may also have problems sleeping, such as insomnia, and find concentrating difficult.
"Every time I hear that song, it triggers my PTMD (Post-traumatic Modelling Disorder). I'm transported back to trying to resolve that corner"
"I couldn't sleep last night - PTMD. All I saw when I closed my eyes was vertices"
by nuddyrap February 13, 2019
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A new disorder whereby voters of the losing electoral party experience deep depression, grieving, mental anguish, anger, hysteria, disbelief, and in some extreme cases violence such as such as riots, protests, hate graffiti, and physical assault directed towards the winning political party and its members.
Many liberal Democrats experienced Post Traumatic Election Disorder when Donald Trump, a Republican, won the election for President of the United States.
by Hemmingwayz November 22, 2016
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Trauma and tribulations 23:2
When you wanna fxk around and find out, you wanna make it better better but really it’s all downhill from there. #traumatizing
The absolute traumatation that I’ve been through has really went down hill.
by Trashbaggggg October 8, 2022
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The feelings that come after attending warped tour. Including of satisfaction and gross anticipation for the next year's to come.
I am feeling the PTWS (post traumatic warped syndrome) coming on already.
by craziehippiekid June 28, 2013
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The assorted "gastronomical nightmare" feelings (heartburn, cramping, bloating, etc.) suffered from eating excessive amounts of crunchy-sweet cold cereal.
I was super-hungry, so I polished off half a box of Honey Bunches Of Oats in one sitting, and now I gots Post™ traumatic stress!
by QuacksO November 11, 2018
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The trauma caused by a consistent over-indulgent relationship with ‘the sesh’. Commonly experienced post-festival or after a particularly heavy weekend of drug based debauchery.
Pretty sure I’ve got Post Traumatic Sesh Disorder (PTSD) after boshing through those 3 for a £100 bags last weekend
by Bristol2222 January 11, 2023
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