A multitalented, rich and unbothered queen. Has an outstanding album named Revival which deserved a Grammy and a song named Fetish which is the meaning of pop perfection. She has a genuine and a pure heart as she donates many money and is constantly helping the world to be a better place. Right now she is being lazy as Selenators have been waiting 3 years for the new era.. Selena sweetie we’re waiting. Also has the cutest smile and carries the Bible everywhere with her
Selena Gomez is a legend
by SkinnyBTS September 19, 2018
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A attention needing whore who says she has depression and will have them for ever so she won’t be a good wife or girlfriend and because she is Anoying too.if ur name is selena gomez you can just be successful by using other people to get attention other way you won’t be successful and if your middle name is marie ohh ....i wouldn’t even try to get successful by yourself......
I’m Selena Gomez .
My name is Selena Gomez
by XeniaBelaob February 8, 2018
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She is verrrrrry pretty. She also sings very well and I'm sure she has a nice personality.
Me : Omg! I love that girl over there!
Friend : Yeah! Totally! She's just like Selena Gomez!
by jernvds November 23, 2018
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A very hot bitch that gets all the guys, likes to cause fights and wants to be noticed. Dry sense of humour.
Guy 1: yo that girl is such a junky selena

Guy 2: damn right she is
by Queen Junky February 14, 2017
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the act of letting your partner open your anus wide and put coke in it to feel good
anne was so crazy last night,she made me give her a dirty selena
by bigbadussy02 August 26, 2021
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- 24/7 on twitter
- tea
- best stans in earth
- do everything to protect the legend
- no print just fax
''you better now mess with selena stans''
by shadefuls August 28, 2017
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N.) A gorgeous young teen star on Disney channel, known as Alex Russo on Wizards of Waverly Place. Also Dating Justin Bieber. Born July 22, 1992.

V.) To pull a Selena Gomez. To state that someone is like an older or younger brother or sister to you to hide the fact that you are dating that person.

Can also be an adv.

V) Girl: "Yeah he's like an older brother to me (:"
Girl #2: "Are you pulling a Selena Gomez?"
Girl: "Fine.. We're dating."
Girl #2: "That's what I thought."

ADV) "I'm gonna pull a Selena Gomez to hide our relationship."
by ObessedwOreos July 12, 2011
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