The sudden sharp, piercing itching sensation a man gets in his scrotum. Often completely debilitating, the itch must be scratched almost immediately to avoid injury.
I was in the grocery store with my wife when I got an attack of Acute Scrotal Itch (A.S.I.). The aisle was crowded so I had to duck behind my wife to get to it.
by sobonate June 4, 2012
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When ones scrotum rubs against the inner thigh creating an unpleasant burning sensation
Dude, do you have any baby powder I have SLA (scrotal leg adhesion)
by Lil 21 Dragon Breath April 13, 2020
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When a partner cuts your scrotum and then said partner shakes blood from the laceration on to their sexual partner.
She lightly cut his nuts and laid down to let him scrotal shower her!
by Half_hntr September 4, 2021
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when a male wears pants that are too tight, and the impression of his balls become visible.
Wow! That male speed skater has a giant scrotal toe.
by Clarise November 29, 2020
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Beyond "going postal", some situations require you to go scrotal on someone or something. To nut up.
by Kirbslirb August 16, 2017
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Testicular sweat. Moisture in the groin area caused by activity or wool pants.
"I worked out for 2 hours this morning, and my shorts are soaked with scrotal dew".
by MstrMike August 29, 2013
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similar to brutality ... when a persons own verbal, physical or mental bollocks are inflicted or threatened towards another party i such a way as to cause "scrotality" with intent to harm, defraud or cause suffering to another ...
the way he dealt with the matter like that was sheer brutal bollocks , complete scrotality. how dare that scrote inflict his bollocks views on people so brutally
by schizoprenia isnt lonely February 9, 2014
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