"The only reason on the face of the Earth Marilyn Manson had a god damn career. Now he depends on his old shit, 'cause ever since Twiggy left the band he hasn't been able to put out a decent record."

That would have been my definition a couple of years ago. But now that Twiggy's back, it is more than obvious to me that neither of them will ever make great music again. The High End of Low sucks. However, it is a hint better than Manson/Skold's "Eat Me, Drink Me" and the super shitty "The Golden Age of Grotesque".

Long live AS, MA and HW.
Marilyn Manson were an amazing rock band.

Twiggy Ramirez left the band and I thought his absence was the reason the new Manson shit sucked.

Twiggy has returned to the band, only to help Manson make another shitty record.

Marilyn Manson should retire from the public eye.
by franscene June 16, 2009
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She’s the most beautiful woman ever. She’s so hot, everyone has a crush on her.
Dang, are you Noah Ramirez’s mom? I’ve heard she’s really hot”
by Deez1457899 February 21, 2022
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This is what you say when ur talking to someone WITH A HUGE BLACK COCK,

its also the name of a very THICC sperm WHALE who wants to eat GARDOS ASS
omg that Ambrose Cruz Ramirez looks so THICC
by mmph April 15, 2020
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Bad ass brown kid at North Medford highschool. He has a black and white stripped jacket and a white shirt and white joes with jeans. He also has a black binder and he like to play hackey sac at lunch.
Shylo Ramirez is brown.
by xXxWhitegirlNMHSxXx November 15, 2011
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Stephanie velentina ramirez is a smart pretty girl who can make anyone smile shes precious and derseves the world and much much more shes an actor and singer shes acts in dark town and the girl gang she makes me smile throughout my darkest times
by Dogsaremylife July 16, 2018
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some guy whos really sexy and loves penis/ jizz on his face btw he has a rlly big 8===========D (actual size) and hates justin bieber
nice job getting recked by kenneth jizztastic ramirez last night
by meow86 October 16, 2010
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