“the result of being punched in the dick enough times to induce a hardon
"wow, Johnny's girl has it out for him for leaving the dishes out....he got bagged in the dill so many times he's sporting a Canadian Rager"
by canadianrager January 19, 2015
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An epic rager in which hella GS savages attended Pop Pops house and had a hella lit time. #noregrets
Erick: Hey did you hear about The George School Rager of December 2022?

Peppa: Yeah! I heard it was a blast.
by Wrick Eolarsky January 2, 2023
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A Rager party that is limited to the amount of people due to the person throwing down not wanting to have the rager get out of hand. However, it is still an awesome rager party
"Dude im glad we kept that a controlled rager because i still feel like shit from that night
by red123451 July 28, 2011
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Fortnite-Ragers are a giant population of cunts who rage at Fortnite
you fortnite-ragers are idiots for even raging at the first place
by deerpeeedeerp June 15, 2022
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A state of being in between states of consciousness, caused by partying too hard for too many consecutive nights with 30+ Jews in the holy land.

Often including lack of sleep, consumption of alcohol, and intermittent shawarma recoveries.
Itay partied so hard he got Rager Lag and never recovered.
by Trytytv July 19, 2022
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James : “Did Martin go for the Travis Scott concert?”

Liam: “Of course he did, he’s the biggest rager I know.”
by cherry martini August 31, 2019
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Usually a party filled with college students (and high schools throw some pretty cool rangers too) where everyone there calls everyone they know to come party the house. eventually theres like more than 100 people, the house gets trashed, and the cops come. Can sometimes last from Friday thru Sunday!
Yo were u at that hugee rager last night?

2: yeah it had over 100 people, are u going to it the whole weekend?

Hell yeah bro ! That was so cool
by Midnight steph March 24, 2017
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