Nitty - something to say something is good, such as music. EXAMPLE: this game is pretty nitty!
by Nittybeat December 30, 2017
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A common tramp who smokes fags.🤮🤮
person 1: I saw Anna in town smoking fags
person 2: ughhh she’s a right nitty
by Isiswisidhdhw June 25, 2019
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A person who consistently uses illegal substances.
"Did you see David Martin pick up that cigarette from the ground?"
"Yeah, he's such a nitty"
by PeterJones2001 May 27, 2023
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A nitty is someone who prioritises drugs over anyone and anything else
Person 1: Did you see David? He spent his food money on crack, he's such a nitty.
Person 2: David Martin? I know I saw him beat up a kid over weed.
by PeterJones2001 September 9, 2023
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When its all boob and barely any nipple
Don: Ayo, y’all smash?
John: Yeah, they got a Nitty.
Don: Dang, all titty no nipples
by whoopsïe July 26, 2020
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