A Pretty Sad website for people with no life at all, who get ripped off for pixel furniture (furni), then give out their password to some random guy and lose it all.

Some people even get married on it, start a 'mafia' (or a cheap job), start casino's etc.....

And the creepiest thing of all? People on it pretending to be babies. Yes, thats right, you can 'adopt' people who dress like babies and say everything with a w in it.

Lame-ass teen: Will woo adwopt mwe?
Guy: Sure!
Lame-ass Teen: Its mwy bwirthdway give me furni
Guy: No.
Lame-ass Teen: Fwine Im gettin new parents who are rwich and gwive mwe fwurni!
Guy: Yeah you do that.
Lame-ass Teen: bobba you stupid bobba!

And these people even say stuff like 'Im 1 day old plz adopt me'. Yeah, a talking 1-day old.

Some people report emergencies, like them not having a 'bf'.

Your call for help has been sent!

MESSAGE FROM HOBBA: I'll be your super cool bf!!!!1!1!

Oh good god. The worst thing of all is the pretend violence.
See Below some of the most irritating stuff on habbo.

You can even buy furniture for it off eBay. For a ridiculous price, of course.

Thanks for reading and enjoy being ripped off by Sulake!
l00ser: im a cop ur undur arrest!
l00ser2: no way *punches in face steelz gun shoots in head!!1!1!1!111!!!!!1!!!1*
l00ser: *dodges*
l00ser2: yoo cant dodge that u idiot!

Fake-baby: Iwn 1 month owld its my bwirthday can woo gwive mwe fwurni?
n00b: No, get a life. *stabs in neck*
Fake-baby: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa

PeRv: Hey wanna cyber?
Girl: Sure *takes top off shoves tits in mouth*
PeRv: Oooh yeah so good *sticks penis in your nose*
Girl: oh yeah soooooooooooooo good
PeRv: *has bobba all day and all night*

by -Joe- September 15, 2006
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Habbo Hotel, virtual game where you can buy virtual furniture and make virtual friends. Pretty addictive when you start to play that game and make friends and everything.
You actually need REAL money to buy credits/coins, or however you say that from that country you're from. And then you can buy virtual furniture to make a virtual room. You can also buy "Habbo Club", the concept of that is to have 2 extra rooms, when you make a room, extra clothes and a rare each month. And then you can trade, some furni Furniture for some other furni.
You can never get hacked on that website, you can only be keylogged The person that keyloggs you cant track what you're saying so they can get your password or scammed "Give me your password for 100 credits!" That is so old, who will fell for that now?.
And finally, you can make friends and even date. But then, you get so addicted to that game, that you forget about your life and end up lifeless Like me and you spend your time on it.
So if you go on Habbo HotelIt could be HabboHotel.ca, HabboHotel.com, Habbohotel.co.uk, HabboHotel.fr, etc, it's worldwide be careful, you can become an addict :
I'm from .ca.
by -maryse;<3 January 22, 2006
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I love the fact that people complain they were 'forced' too spend money on this 'game'. HabboHotel is NOT game, it's a chat-room and you are in no way forced to pay for it. If you have a bit of self-control, Habbo is a fun place to spend days when the weathers crap or there's nothing else to do. Yes, I agree it can be addictive but is it really that hard click the 'x' when you feel you've been on for too long? I didn't think so.

If Habbo is that crap, then why do they operate in over 15 countries with over 10'000'000 visitors a month and with a profit that's rising every year? It's a fun place to be, don't let all these pathetic cry babies put you off. Just because they have no self-control or lives does not mean you don't!
Visit Habbo Hotel and see for yourself.
by Milennia November 23, 2007
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Firstly I would just like to say that all of those people who have been putting down Habbo Hotel really must think what they put before they go slandering it. Yes there are reasons for everything which I will explain below:

Swearing Filter:
Yes its to stop people swearing. There are alot of young kids who use the site and putting words like "fuck" and "cyber" are truly inapropriate. This place is a very fun place for the youngsters and blocking swearing is a way to make the site more pleasant.

Some people say that the only rooms you find on Habbo Hotel are just Beauty Contest/Mafia/Falling Furni etc. One thing. This is what other people have made, not the hotel. If they want a beauty contest its up to them. OK, what about fan-based rooms (like music groups etc)? or even counciling rooms? because of the nature and design of the hotel its ideal for people to go for help anonymously in a friendly, non exposing way. Rooms are started off blank because then people can design them themselves. It gives the kids something to be proud of when they show their mates that they've made hundreds of friends on Habbo because of their own room.

Yes credits are a lil bit expensive. But if they were free furni would lose its value and so people will lose interest. It gives youngsters something to spend their money on, and look forward to when they get it. Also club members get extra furniture like rare stuff, which is enough to make any regular habbo happy.

Yes they do exist, just like on other chat rooms. But thats the whole point of the habbo way. Just dont give out your personal details. Simple.

Unusual word filtering:
Yet againt that happens. Thats just because some people have got wise to the filter. So instead of writing "fuck" they write "fuk" and think they can get away with it. But words like "essex" are blocked because they filter the word like: *****s**e**x**** so any gaps are treated part of the word. so the swearing is curbed. Thats a pretty good idea I think.

No they're not stuck up, if you keep out of trouble and dont cause it then you shouldnt even need to meet one, let alone get banned. Oh and they dont use false ages because they check with "Interactive Age Check" authorities.

And anyway, you think Habbo is bad? they have thousands of people online on there each day, and operate in 9 or so countries. If it was crap you really think they'd be this sucessful? Hmm, I don't think so.

Dont be put off by all the bad rumours, like any chat room, if you stay safe then there shouldnt be a problem.
There i no example to show. Just take care and you'll see how wrong some people really are.
by nuclear_dude August 9, 2004
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I like it. Iv met alot of great friends on it which iv got msn addys from and phone numbers from and were all really great mates. Most people on habbo hotel are really gay but you do come across a few special people.
15 creds at only £1.50 plus normal txt charge!!! omgomgomfg thats great!!!

it isnt. creds r jus silly. viset some other ppls rooms insted of making ur own!
by Sally-Bob April 1, 2005
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Okay Guys, Dont Listen To The Other People. The following statements are 100% true:

-You DONT have to spend money
-There are PLENTY of people without furni, nobody pressures you!
-They need the cash to maintain the websites, its in 15 different countries! If they were rich, habbo would NOT be filled with ads.
-Habbo is a pretty good social expreince. You can learn how to prevent ideantity theft, learn about how if you get caught doing something wrong it can get you in to trouble, and it even helps you learn there are bad people in the world.
-Habbo is MODERATED THE BEST it can be.
Its not the moderators fault if idiots like you dont report the people who are causing the problems, its yours!
If someone is having ''it'' then its YOUR duty to report it. The ''Mods'' dont know something is wrong, unless you TELL THEM!
-Habbo hotel is a great place to make new friends from different places. You can even keep in touch with far away friends/cousins/other family members.
-The only reason people bash habbo is becuase you ''have to buy furni'' but YOU DONT.
Jenny: Hey lets go eat some virtual pizza!
Josh: Okay lets go!
-at the pizza place-
Jenny: This is great!
Josh: Habbo Hotel is fun! Try it!

HABBO - A new world! - www.habbohotel.com
(go to sulake.com to find one for YOUR country)
by woky November 24, 2005
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habbo hotel is a place where everyone abides the rules and is all gay and all safe and whoever doesnt gets banned just cause they want ppl to do what they want and habbo staff really should get out more

p.s they are are all nice guys and puffs
never give your personal details out and always be safe
(how gay is that?)
by matthew legg January 12, 2004
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