Well, its easy it explains its self THAT CRAZY MOTHER FUCKER TOOK MY GODDAMN DEAD DOG


that son of a bitch took my goddamn dead dog

by urboredom May 4, 2020
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1) The response you recieve if you call my dad a bitch.
2) The perfect way to describe Kolton(Kole) Tillett also known as Bakon the dumbfuck.
Adj. used as an insult to another who cannot be defined by any known insult already used.
To use with women end with three tit skank ass whore
"Kole you are a goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit son of a whore bitten bastard"or to a female: I can't believe you slept with my man you goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit skank ass whore"
by BitchesAintSnitches June 1, 2022
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Brown Goddamn Eyes stands for a person that has Brown Goddamn eyes It is used as a form of communication between people using there frustration but not using any Sensitive Language but to somewhat be funny in a way, well I think.
Person 1: You Brown Goddamn Eyes, I'll get you next time.
Person 2: Oh Damn he got some Brown Goddamn Eyes, You fucking missed a shot now we can't get dinner today fucker.
by ErUdone March 30, 2022
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May 4th is national make a goddamn difference day, because we need to make a goddamn difference if we are adamant about not going extinct as a species in the next 10-20 years.
I’m not going to tell you how to use national make a goddamn difference day in a sentence because it’s self explanatory lol
by PrimePlatypus12 May 4, 2019
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The feeling you get when أعين shows up. You have to shout it!
Oh no أعين is here, GODDAMN EYES BURNIN
by Goddamn eyes burnin September 20, 2022
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When your life sucks so much you give it a pessimistic name
mark: i hate my goddamn life
akari: hi
mark: ooh
they fuck for 0100103290293094090e+.2232/323212=282902312338923333+33673626 hours
leo: wtf mark
mark: akari lets do anal again
by leo mark sara heather stories December 7, 2022
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