Bizarre human behavior. So named because such behavior is especially common in Florida and Germany. Popularized by Adam Corolla of the Loveline radio program, as callers would phone the show, give an example of bizarre behavior, then Adam and others in the studio would guess whether the event happened in Florida or Germany. Someone with good knoweldge of either location can tell which due to cultural differences between Florida and Germany.
"A 17 year-old was recently arrested for attempting to rob a bank with a potato gun. Florida or Germany?"
by Whiskey Zulu December 7, 2003
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Office game whereby one worker reads a shocking headline to another coworker, who must identify the location of origin as Florida or Germany.
Honestly, most screwed up stuff happens in either Florida or Germany.
Jim: "Father locked daughter in basement for 24 years and repeatedly raped her. Florida or Germany?"

Joe: "Oh that HAS to be Germany."

Jim: "Correct!"
by cr8rface January 22, 2009
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Techno Germany, the greatest band to ever come out Techno Europia!

A band with 2 awesome managers e.g. Reece and Dean

The pure definition of Techno
'Wow that band is great'
'Not as awesome as Techno germany though'
'I agree'

'That band has awesome managers'
'Much like Techno Germany'

' I love Techno music'
'You should listen to Techno Germany'
by lars Marfach March 4, 2009
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Made in germany basicly means good quality
1:oh this product is Made in germany
2:not from jiafei?
by Draxocountryballyt January 3, 2022
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Something fucking ridiculous happens in the news and you have to guess weather it happened in Florida or Germany.
Man collects dead babies in his garage for sexually pleasure and in an effort to resurrect Jesus.

Florida or Germany?
by Mike Roan December 8, 2003
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When you do a really sloppy shit and only one of your bum cheeks gets smeared with poo, whilst the other cheek remains mysteriously clean.
With the toilet paper coming up clean after wiping one cheek, I thought that I was going to get away with an easy clean up . Unfortunately, the other cheek was completely covered in poo and I realised I had just done an East Germany.
by fartwilly January 16, 2019
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