
An Erica is a tiny little person, often referred to as a "little buddy." When an Erica gives birth, her offspring is often called a "pocket baby." Aside from being small, Ericas also have unusually loud laughs, which can be used to scare away any and all men. Ericas also love the outdoors and on sunny days you can find an Erica hula hooping in an urban area.
"You sound like an Erica when you laugh like that."
by btam April 13, 2010
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Is a dirty girl. She doesn't like to shower, and has tons of fake boyfriends. Her fake boyfriends live at least a couple states away and has only had one local boyfriend.
Eww what's that smell? Oh, Erica is over there.
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A slutty bitch who becomes easily obsessed over boys who don’t belong to her. Be careful with Erica’s they will try to swoop up your mans if you’re not careful. Ericas are dumber than a brick wall. You can yell, argue, or anything thing else with them but it just goes in one ear and out the other. The one who gives blondes a bad rep.
Hannah: “oh shit, here comes yet another Erica.”
Molly: “better go watch your man!”
by Big daddy🥵🍑 October 30, 2019
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Erica- a dick-hungry prostitute you see on the side of the road that you can't help but run over, mistaking her for a piece of trash.
Guy 1; "What is that eyesore?"
Guy 2;"Oh that's just Erica, the prostitute,".
by DuckSauceOnline January 31, 2016
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Shes a lesbain cunt the is hot as fuck but also fucking a dumbass
by Lil CHerbz boi July 16, 2018
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An stupid child who cannot keep a password secret. Likes to eat cardboard.
"You're such an Erica!"
by HmmmYesEnslavedMoisture November 25, 2019
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That one girl that has a crush on everyone one by one

Erica: omgggggg i have a crush on person 1
P1: erica you are so fucking annoying
Erica: omggggggggg you are fucking insane i now have a crush on person 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
e.g. Don't date an Erica!
by clthreeoneeight September 21, 2021
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