Someone that is beyond perfect. So beyond perfect that they're making you think it's a dream.
by viccpicc February 9, 2022
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Dris, the best platonic lover ever.

A very sweet person <3
A : did you know i have a platonic lover?

? : oh really? who?

A : Dris! They're very sweet <3
by Alistair._ April 20, 2021
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Pronounced “drizzog” is a adjective and also used as a noun formed from the phrase mis hog meaning ‘miserable pig’. Calling someone a ‘dris hog’ means that they are miserable but also with an additive of dreariness.
“She was acting like her usual dris hog self”
“He needs to stop being a dris hog”
“They are a bunch of dris hogs
by squidgedom March 5, 2022
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Ever feel parched, drained, broke, dry or thirsty? Well then, you maybe suffering from a sporadic case of the dries, or you may be one of the less fortunate and have a chronic case of the dries. Symptoms include; empty wallet, empty stomach, extreme thirst, severe nicotine cravings and a lack of good dope supply... If you are a broke motherfucker and can't get your fix or satisfy your hunger, quench your thirst or your dying for a smoke, then you probably are experiencing a bad case of the dries, dried out and dried up. Only known cure is a good come up that puts money in your pocket.
Hey man, got any good shit? I'm hurting bro, I got the dries.
by Firechaser March 16, 2018
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When you are driving home from Prep, and pass by the Urban Cowboys whilst L. Dries is giving you road brain.
TJM III - “Yo, Dries! Look out the window it’s the urban cowboys!”

Dries - *mumbling* “I can’t bro, I’m giving you Dries road head!”
by Dreiser Dave May 3, 2023
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A person who shows signs of endurance, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity.
She's like a dried flower I admire her.
by Shakedawg07 June 11, 2023
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when u cum in a girls hair and she lets it dry then she eats the dried cum off the hair
i thought haley died her hair but it turns out it was just dried mayo strings
by dasdahearf June 24, 2016
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