mistake resulting from me pulling out too late in his mother. Tried to abort him but his mom couldn't afford the fee at the free clinic.
by Derrick's dad September 7, 2004
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some WHACK wannabe gangster that wishes he was cooler than denette. =)
augh, look at Derrick Celestino.
by moronic December 23, 2004
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Usually someone with a very small penis around 2-3 inch's. Most likely has red hair. You might think they're ugly af but be nice because there parents have dropped him a few times. Also probably will have the worst sled in yk. Usually Derricks have other siblings and there sister gives OTP's daily, possibly ready to rock the cock. So if you associate with this Derrick Letemplier be aware because they are all very gay and WILL suck yo ass when you're sleeping.
Be careful man that's a Derrick Letemplier
by homedawwwwg February 11, 2015
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definitely pimp status! ghetto fabulous (or not), super stealthy ninja, good at trumpet, really good at lacrosse/sports in general,
Girl1: "Wow that guy is such a Derrick Cheng!"
Girl2: "Yeah, he's a hottie"
Guy: "I wish I were him..."
by #1fan November 23, 2004
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