There is a national dumb day so why not have a national clever day. This is on 20th November. Have fun on this day but dont leave out any dumb friend-
You can go up to anyone and say "hey its clever day today and you're so clever" 'coz why not.
by November 4, 2021
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Acknowledgment that someone can do what makes them happy; a rhyming replacement for"whatever floats your boat" or "you do you". Used when making plan without a set time.

Semi-commonly used in Western Michigan.
"Drinks are on me. What time do you want to head to the bar?"

"Whenever's clever."
by MayoIsTheDevil August 17, 2022
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better than or more clever than the person sitting next to you
i am cleverer than you Reese
by reeseisntcleverer May 24, 2021
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Brainstorming in a group to come up with clever urban dictionary definitions!
It took our group a few cocktails and some clevering to come up with “crotch googling” to submit to urban dictionary.
by Clevering January 10, 2018
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