The act or characteristic of one's bro being man flirty.
Bro One: hey dude, slick vest man I dig the red.

Bro Two: man, now you're just being Bromo
by ABENSOL May 2, 2013
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When a man thinks another man is so great he hopes to become his friend.
"That guy is so awesome, I wish he would let me hang out with him. "

"That guy makes me have bromo feelings "
by eelmal February 9, 2014
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This is a gender neutral term that is used as a term of endearment comprised of the words ‘bro’ and ‘homo’. Bromo is used with a close friend that you often find yourself acting homosexually with.
Person 1: “So, you and them are real close, huh?”
Person 2: “Yeah I’ve known them for years, that’s the bromo.”
by iitzoat December 1, 2020
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Like no homo but like with girls and guys that you're friends with.
by Jdmdnfk September 6, 2017
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He's a cool dude... Who happens to be into dudes... He's a bromo.
by Windwalk06 May 21, 2021
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the act of saying homoerotic things but being straight to your gay friends. Usually used by gay bros with their straight at the gym.
"Dude, those two have been hanging out alot... The must be bromos"

"Those two lift together but hes gay and hes not... Must be bromos"

"Dude, I'd suck dick for $10,000 but Im straight" -To gay friend (from straight guy)

"Dude stop being a bromo"- Gay guy
by LiftingGayBro23 January 27, 2016
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A strong bond between two straight men who are best friends.
Bro 1 - I love you man, no homo
Bro 2 - I love you too man, no homo just bromo
by fvckyeahbro July 31, 2020
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