Someone who is generally better than most people. Rich as hell, and well aware of it. People generally put these individual down because they A) are more rich B) have a hotter girlfriend C) are smarter than your average human D) have more friends than normal people E) Rage at a level most people cant handle F) are themselves better looking than most. Bros are known to patrol bars that losers cant get into, gyms, luxury car dealerships, massive houses that haters cant afford, and Polo/Lacoste stores. The opposite, a bro-hater, is just jealous, jealous that their girlfriend is, their only friends are via myspace and Friday night is usually spent alone, sober. Bro-haters patrol chat rooms and sites such as this, to try to deface the bro name. However, Bros are generally okay with this, being that at the end of the day, we are still better, still more rich, and still have a hotter slam piece than the losers/bro-haters. Keep hatin' losers, we are still winning.
Anything that's better than what you have. A Bro is always supreme.
by Original Bro June 11, 2010
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Shotgun nattys, cop dome, fuck slam pieces, get said slampieces to make you sandwichs
bro god said let their be sandwiches, and eve made them
by broskiiii122 November 2, 2010
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Bro has evolved, from a simple Californian compasionate reference from one male to another to be used presently, in communities across the world in which young men claim to be bro. Fraternity's represent bro at its finest, bangin' brohoes, proclaiming simple events as epic, and doning the signature "fauxhawk."They live and breathe in douchebaggery on a regular basis

Another signature characteristic of a Bro comes by the adding of bro to the begining of a word... if you hear a late teen or early twenties male using words such as brotality (to describe their bro mentality) brotastic (an adjective used to describe fantastic or "epic" events of one Bro) or (used to describe and incredibly pointy fauxhawk), then you likely have met a bro.

Oftentimes a bro reads and writes to websites such as, MLIB... or My Life is Bro... to define how one man's douchebag moment can be a treasure to thousands of Bro's. A true bro records the epic history of each night's passing. Stories often include how a kegstand went awry, a brohoe was roofied and gangbanged, even stories which include fauxhawks superior standing against beavertails, mullets, jewfros.
I heard Henry was so bro that the drapes match the carpet, he now has two fauxhawks.
by Do the Huisman on that Hoe December 2, 2010
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Very easy to spot in their natural habitats. Usually white males, age 16-23. Without exception they ALWAYS wear dickies shorts (usually beige), calf-high black socks, black shirts (always containing skulls/stars/or both), they are always overweight (but their perception is that they are buff, not fat), must have a ridiculously large truck (nothing less than a F-250, tacomas don't cut it here), large embarassing stickers on their back windows are a must, also necessary are lame black sunglasses. Also can be spotted by their opposite gender equivalents, which are bro-hos.

You can easily spot a bro if you see the following brands on them or their lame truck: Famous Stars and Straps, Metal Mulisha, Fox Racing, Glamis and sometimes Von Zipper.

Bros are harmless when alone, however packs of them should be avoided due to their obvious weight advantage over you due to their obesity levels.
Question: What kind of fucktard would take up 3 parking spots by parking diagonally with half of his raised F-550 on the curb?

Answer: The only category of lame white people more embarrassing to the rest of caucasians than white trash: BROS.
by xX*RaceTheDream*Xx August 27, 2008
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Wassup bro, Did you see that new movie yet?
by Hondodo November 18, 2007
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16-25 year old white male who most likely drives a jetta, focus, SUV, or some kind of truck, any "sweet ass ride will do." bro's typically wear hollister, abercrombie and fitch, lots of college shirts, or high school shirts, maybe even a skater shirt, or just a plain t-shirt or hoody. fitted jeans gel in the hair and spiked up most of the time, if they arent wearing a backwards hat. these waist of sperm and egg human beings are always trying to prove their manhood. think its cool to work out, and really want to fit in with blue collar working people. they are always jealous of their girlfriends. if their girlfriends talk to their friends, ex-boyfriends, or any guy in general they most likely get really pissed off, and punch shit, or try to fight someone. the reason for this is because they are all extremely insecure and probably gay. all white sneakers are a must, probably skater shoes, or brown dress shoes such as doc martens. bro's love watching "THE GAME" whether its football baseball basketball or even gay shit like golf and get extremely into it. they think they are the ultimate partiers, but in reality are pathetic at life. they usually pick their places of employment at stores in the mall, grocery stores, or gas stations. they also listen to rap, or the radio, maybe even some country. their is nothing interesting about these kids, they are a completley average person, nothing special, they aren't better then anyone, they are a person and that's it.
"hey bro, you wanna come over and watch the game with me and drink a couple beers?!"
by StandURground October 29, 2008
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word used by males of the five boroughs/L.I. to address other male friends; usually white, fist-pumping, sunglasses-at-night wearing--GUIDOS or surprisingly the white, urban, rap listening type. Increase in use of this word due to the success of HBO's "Entourage".
It can be used in the beginning of a sentence - "Bro, you heard the new Benny Benassi?"
..or the end - "Don't step on my new Diesels BRO"
..or even the ever popular sentence sandwich - "Bro do it up bro".
by I LOVE NY November 10, 2006
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