As defined by Urban Dictionary, a female named Brittany is a wonderful, smart, caring, beautiful girl. This is not the case, for a new type of Brittany is starting to emerge. This is the new definition for a modern day Brittany:

Someone who sleeps around with 20+ guys, claims to be the hottest even though they look like they were smacked in the face with a frying pan repeatedly, 50lbs overweight and thinking they are the coolest shit since sliced bread even though they have more rolls then an upscale bakery. Tends to say the same thing over and over because they think its funny, for example: "Cool story bro." or "Thats cute, real fucking cute." Generally tends to act like, and be a bitch for most of their life while accomplishing absolutely nothing. Is a spoiled child and has meltdowns during the middle of class, directly resulting them in being kicked out of class while being escorted by a Principal and or school Officer.
Shaq- Bro, Michelle is acting like a Brittany.

Jake- Not really, more like a Jones.

Mike- Dude did you here Brittany screaming that crap in the halls of Wakeland High School? She was saying, "I HAVE A BABY." and "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" after she got kicked out of art by Carter.

Shaq- I heard that! ROFLCOPTER! I heard the school is now called Wakeland Insane Asylum. If you have a mental breakdown at school, its called "Getting some from BJ" or "Pulling a Brittany"
by ModernDayDefinitions July 27, 2011
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A dgina.
woah look at brittany she has a dgina
by DGINA December 8, 2010
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Compared closely to Dr.Jeckell Mr. Hyde. A narcissistic sociopath who prays on her closest "friends." Will steal the shirt off your back and deny involvement. Most selfish person you will ever meet. No sense of loyalty or responsibility. This could be caused by her amphetamine psychosis. It's real. If you see a Brittany do not approach. If she steals cash from friends she won't hesitate to steal your children. She will do an amazing job trying to convince you she cares for you. In reality she is not capable of connecting on a human level. She has all the signs and tendencies of a serial killer. Beware.
Hey! That's Brittany's hand in the tip jar again!
#bitch #selfish #hideous #coniving #malicious #pathalogical liar #junkie #karmas a bitch
by Rason May 13, 2013
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She is easily excitable, not very good in bed but still stands assured that she is. Will have sex upon meeting a person. Not a very good best friend. Big ass. Not very head to get over. Hateful. Going nowhere in life. Lazy. Liar. Manipulative. STD Haven.
My best friend's name is Brittany.

Wow you're the only one who would say that in public.

I have this really bad itch......
Guess you had sex with a brittany
by madamvengence November 4, 2011
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a girl who somehow makes her way to popularity, sometime in a goo wholesome way and is whole hearted and deserves to be popular, but sometime that is not true. it is common that a brittany is slut and/or bitch, sometime two faced, she surrounds herself with ugly girls and hates on the girls who are actually pretty, sometime unlike her. sometimes brittanys fool themselves into thinking they are popular but are really hated. Brittany are usually not the sharpest tool in the shed, and alot of the time they're fucking retarded, if you can find a nice, sinlge faced, popular birttany, who's also smart, AND liked you..... I applaud you man :P

see "alpha bitch"
example #1
guy1:"hey have you seem brittany?"
guy2:*laughter*"wow, how is she popular?"
guy1:"she's such a bitch"
brittany:"you guys are losers"

example #2
girl1:"did you see *girls2*'s hair today, its pretty"
brittany:"ugh! she's such a cunt!"
(this on'es a true story, happened to me)

example #3
guy1:"hey i got a new gf."
guy2:"what's her name?"
*guys 1&2 laugh*
guy1:"no she's actually nice!"
guy2:"Don't lie!"
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A girl who is a bit crazy. A lot a bit ditzy and cant drive.
by Babababababanana April 12, 2018
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