A state of lawlessness, chaos, direct opposite of order. Pop culture symbol: Circle with an A inside with the middle line protruding outside the circle.

ALSO: Anarchist - Teenaged/College aged punk who thinks they can handle anarchy when in reality the first time the rules are broken against them they run crying back to authority.
I'm such an anarchist! I switched two peoples orders around at the restaurant where I work! lets go to hot topic and write pathetic psuedo-suicidal poetry to be so invidually cool!
by Xyan July 23, 2003
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A government system where no nation states exist and people do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. This would not last, however, since factions and gangs eould arise and seize territory.
*T.V.: "ANARCHY!!! ANARCHY!!! I don't even know what that means but I love it!"
*Jim: Hey Braden, what is anarchy, anyway?
*Braden: Basically if the whole world did stuff like those kids do in that movie all the time because no rules rxist.
Jim: Huh... Nice... Lets go squirt some old man with a waterhose, then.
by PowerSlavebytheMaiden August 24, 2017
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anarchy is the most funny, endearing and caring person you’ll ever meet. anarchy isn’t afraid to speak his mind, and everyone admires him for it. anarchy is sweet and the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
anarchy is late nights outside in the streetlight with friends. anarchy is the grungy gas station at three am vibes. anarchy is beautiful. and so pretty. and so perfect.
- 🌻
guy one: yo did u hear anarchy made friendship bracelets for all his friends?
guy two: no wayyy i want one
by corvins May 9, 2022
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something stupid depressed teenagers use to pretend they are cool by rebeling against goveremnt they think they can cntrl the word when in reality they will die if they ever come to power
i am so punk and i am an anarchist.......go suicide!
by emperor ban March 21, 2004
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A govornmental concept created by someone who obviously hasn't realised that most people are wankers.
Idiot: I'm pro-anarchy and pro-freedom!
Me: I'm pro-not dying because of one of the inevitable gangs of fuckwads that would turn up!
by boolah March 22, 2004
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It's idealistic, but it could definatly work...afterall... 300 years ago i think people would have called landing on the moon impossible... or how about cars? pretty impossible aye. And for the people sayin "oh no what about electricity!?!" well we dont need it to survive you losers. And the lack of advanced healthcare, would ultimately aid Evolution, and atleast prevent the accidental creation of a Super virus. But for anarchy to happen, first must come the total destruction of our existing society, beleif and morale system. But when the milks gone sour...throw it out!! I can't beleive you people don't see the sence in this! I personally dont see the sence in a society wich pollutes its own water supply, and goes to war over oil ... i could go on and on...but i cant be arsed.

Nihilism + Anarchy = Freedom!

Obescity is mass suicide..
by ihamaswedish December 2, 2004
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A belief in which there is no government, AT ALL!!! Of course, the other side note is that the people will have to form together to manage the 'freedom' that people get from anarchy, thus forming another type of government. Anarchy means people will come together in unity and live in peace, but if they do, there will be some sort of form of self-government...

also see: never achievable.
by omi July 2, 2003
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