*throws up plastic disc towards sky that breaks through the window of a terrorist suicide bomber plane and slices the terrorist's head off, leaving the pilot to safely land the plane*

All in a day's work.
by MegamanTTEX October 22, 2010
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A sarcastic version of, "that wasn't very nice", "you shouldn't have said that", "ewww, grody", or "TMI".

Variant: You could have gone all day without saying that.
Did you see all those girls clustering around your ex? I've never seen him happier!

Just think! You could have went all day without saying that!
by Downstrike May 12, 2006
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pngtuber: oh no :(((
*random guy starts burning pngtuber*
pngtuber: :,(
by Tr_ May 1, 2022
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On March 10th all guys must answer all question they are asked truthfully.
Hey are you cheating on me. Its Guys Answer All Questions Day you have to tell me.

Well fuck.
by DontBeASnowflake March 5, 2021
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The highly anticipated sequel to the original 1999 movie, The Boondock Saints. It was released on October 30, 2009 exclusively to only 67 theaters nationwide; however, expanded to additional theaters in November and again in December.

Due to the first movie practically becoming an instant cult classic, there was much hesitation from the fans who were both eager and skeptic to watch it. Yet, astoundingly enough, the writer and director, Troy Duffy, managed to produce a sequel that was equally as incredible as the first. (Though, the first will always win due to the fact that it was the film that started it all, the second one exceeded just about everyones expectations).

Future viewers can anticipate the following from this film: references to every major scene and joke from the first film, appearances and cameos of ALL (yes, that is somewhat a spoiler) the same characters from the first (including the bartender with Tourette's syndrome and Rocco's girlfriends cat!), do not fret over the addition of a seemingly attractive FBI agent for there is still no underlying theme of a romance (which is yet another reason most people adored the original film), and the anticipation of a third film to be made!
Whoa, the sequel to The Boondock Saints, The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, far exceeded my expectations and I now officially adore them both!
by mlvd742 December 8, 2009
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april 11th, get ready to eat every furry you can
*sees a furry in public*

person: hey, do you know what day it is
furry : no?
person : its national eat all furries day
furry : oh hell no *runs*
by yes this is very cool October 18, 2021
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When we appreciate All Might. He is very good hero.
Deku: today Is All Might Appreciation Day!
by Reekvu! October 31, 2021
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