Where two men or more take their excess foreskin and insert it to the other mans foreskin.
Yo me and my homie were in a lockdown bc of Coronavirus so we tried a foreskin shuffle
by Jb runit April 15, 2020
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When you get something (a rock, piece of wood, pebble) inside your shoe, and you're not sure what it is.
Ashlay: "Oww! I have something inside my shoe!"
Mr. Wentz: "Looks like another Shuffle Burr."
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A term used by shufflers to describe the intense connection two shufflers experience while battling or mirror-rocking .
We were trying out new moves and were going for a while . We shuffle-fucked for like an hour .
by Valofsteel July 6, 2017
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When you're sitting next to a friend on the computer and want to mess with them so your fingers do a little dance on the keyboard to annoy them
Yeah I kept annoying Kyle by doing the Keyboard Shuffle to him.
by spa1645 February 10, 2015
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i have lazy shuffle
by aqxa on yr xbox April 13, 2022
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The act of deceiving another driver, by slowing down when approaching the other vehicle. Then waiving or even smiling at the other vehicle driver to make them assume you are giving them the right of way. Then BOOM, you speed off leaving them confused.
I'm going to let that nice old lady back out of her parking spot, WRONG.... you ain't getting in front of me gramps, you just tasted the Arkansas shuffle.
by Sgtbiddyboom June 30, 2023
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