A boy that my friend is hopeless in love with. He may be a pain in the butt sometimes, but I'm sure she'll fix him. He enjoys teasing her from time to time, though she does not notice it. they are clearly made for each other but they don't wanna admit it. They will probably not end up together because they are both incredibly oblivious of their mutual love.
Lover boi totally likes you!
Did you see the way lover boi looked at you?
by purpulyam June 10, 2019
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A small package or container of sex toys, lubricant, and condoms. Lover kits are usually sold in hotels and motels for couples.
"Hey I just bought a lovers kit, you know what that means babe?"
by Anonymousdictonary April 6, 2017
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A young man or woman who enjoys anal sex.
You: "Wow she won't keep away from my ass. "
Bro: "Lol she searching for gold?"
You: " nah, She's a dirt lover."
by Lmaoboo April 14, 2018
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Someone who love's Coco Martin's armpits
Blue tends to feel butterflies when he sees those armpits, he's an asim kilig lover
by blues bonanza is 69 years old September 22, 2022
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a person who loves camie a lot and who would do anything for her.
person 1: do you like camie?
person 2: i don't like her, i love her. i'm a camie lover.
by Riben October 20, 2019
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1) When a problem is encured, this phrase is used to tell another person that the originator's needs are simply not possible/available and probably won't be in the near future.

2) To be doomed to misery in the near future

3) A term used to refer to a homosexual that engages in necrophelia.
1) "Dude, you know how you need that kidney? Well, you're looking at being a dead man's lover."

2) "I got drunk last night instead of studying for my Physics final, I'm a dead man's lover."

by R Vollen February 21, 2008
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A feeling of regret after a relationship that did not turn out as you hoped it would. Sometimes caused by over - commitment.
She had lovers remorse after a one night stand and felt cheap.
by Sovereinty Restored September 22, 2023
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