to be or in relation to awesome.
Morgan and I have a MEGA CRUNK time a Niger Park.
I wish my hair was as MEGA CRUNK as Morgan's.
That Mark Whalberg is MEGA CRUNK, but he's no Dane.

by the dance commander December 18, 2007
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She's a mega jugger!
by ewhogg March 21, 2007
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Valium. anxiety or muscle relaxant medicine.
im so glad i'm home from work. i need a couple blue mega man & a beer, then i'll be cool. i gotta catch up with my sleep.
by flava b (bernie mac) November 21, 2008
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It's a word that says one Jewish guy, everytime he likes something so much. Every time he says that he takes his hand and smacks someone to ass. And says ''Mega Nice,.
U are a faggot... Anthony answers Mega Nice and smacks him to ass.
by Brother_Ondy September 25, 2017
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Any conventionally attractive person or any regular friend is a mega smash. If a friend calls you mega smash or smash, reply 100% pass or 100% smash (Depending on if u think the person is annoying). Don't misuse your mega smash powers, as it is a strong word.
Person 1. "Yo person 2, ur such a mega smash"
person 2: "100% pass, L + bozo + ratio +fatherless +urmom +chronically online +urdad + ursister + urbrother +kys + jump."
by Chuuyas girlfriend November 28, 2022
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Any conventionally attractive person or any regular friend is a mega smash. If a friend calls you mega smash or smash, reply 100% pass or 100% smash (Depending on if u think the person is annoying). Don't misuse your mega smash powers, as it is a strong word.
Person 1. "Yo person 2, ur such a mega smash"
person 2: "100% pass, L"
by Chuuyas girlfriend November 28, 2022
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A unit of measurement refering to an eight month period.
"I do not know what I will be doing with my life in a mega-sundown."
by greathornytoads87 November 15, 2009
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