someone who thinks there a pimp but really they couldent get a alien to date them
bob: dude that guy thinks hes a pimp

Drew: nahh man hes a totall deuce can
by 438083905823- June 22, 2010
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After eating a bean burrito at the airport, Jimmy joined the mile high deuce club on his fifteen hour flight from LAX to Sydney.
by jdiggity83 June 30, 2023
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A free and easy bowel movement taken upon returning home from a long trip.
After spending a holiday weekend at a single-bathroom lodging with his in-laws, Johnnie Chicano opened the front door of his residence, dropped his bags and walked briskly to the bathroom, where he released a thunderous and immensely satisfying home deuce that clogged the plumbing.
by Johnny Chicano April 13, 2015
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the act of taking heroin, whilst simultaneously defecating.
"what took you so long?"
"juice 'n' deuce bitch"
"safe lad"
by harold, the butt plunderer January 22, 2016
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combination of a night of eating spicy food and excessive drinking leading to explosive shits that may or may not land on your significant other
"Im going to lava deuce on you tonight!"
by consuelatyrena May 1, 2016
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the act of eating fast food while on the toilet
Last night ended with a nice oleaginous deuce and little shame.
by Sgt. Donny Donowitz June 3, 2017
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The act of taking a poo, then leaving without any acknowledgment of its existence including wiping, flushing or saying goodbye.
What's that smell? Did you just Ghost the deuce??
by lexicon55 August 12, 2021
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