A man who was a meat checker in the Civil War who stamped safe meat with a stamp that said US as in United States, but that act what interpreted as Uncle Sam. They used him as a figurehead on posters for men to join the union army.

Also one of my relatives, whether you believe me or not.
Dude, did you see that poster in the hall? Uncle Sam wants me again! Freaking army men(:
by Erinnn(: March 5, 2009
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The girl at a party you see and all your really see are her titties.
by cheexs February 1, 2011
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1-Toocan Sam: a very mangy bird that lives in the jungle, and leads innocent unsuspecting children into the jungle in search of sugary cereal...claiming that if you "follow his nose" that will in some way actually lead you to the god damn cereal; however, the only thing these kids ever get is bitten by thousands of jungle in insects and the occasional jungle lion....leaving them with no cereal, infectious wounds and a hatred of all things that fly.

2-Toocan Sam: An alcoholic drink.

* 3/4 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's)
* 3/4 oz Triple sec
* 3/4 oz Blue Curacao
* 3/4 oz Coconut rum (Parrot bay)
* 3 oz Pineapple juice
* Lace with Grenadine

Mixing instructions:

in a shaker half filled with ice, add first 5 ingredients. shake well. strain into hurricane glass filled with ice. lace with grenadine.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! that bird said to follow his nose to the cereal and now we're lost in the jungle and i'm scared and cold, so very cold.....i say it's time to eat the fat kid of the group or we'll never survive....DAMNNNN YOUU TOOCAN SAM!

I say, this Toocan Sam the barkeep made tastes like shit. I swear, there's no spiced rum in it at all...tastes rather like semen to me.
by James March 7, 2004
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Sam Endicott is the singer, songwriter, and one of the two guitarists of The Bravery. He is awesome!
Kid 1: "Hey, how do you think Endicott did in that concert last night?"
Kid 2: "Dude, he was awesome."
by Sugar and Pie August 5, 2005
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v. Another word for hell. Or can also be used as a curse word.
1. What in the Sam Hill is wrong with my computer?!
2. What in the Sam Hill do you think you're doing?
3. Holy Sam Hill...
by Ajix Black May 26, 2006
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Any plan involving general disappointment and an early end to the night.
Participants will often be unaware they are involved in a Sam Plan until they are at home eating Hungry Jacks, wondering why it was such a disappointing night.
Eg. 1
"I know, lets go to E55, it'll be sweet!!!"
"Nah man, that sounds like a Sam Plan, think i might grab some HJ's and go home."

Eg. 2
"Hey, lets go to (insert crap bar nobody has ever heard of)!!!"
"Ummm... ok."
......10 minutes later......
"This is shit, fuckin Sam Plan!! I'm going to HJ's".

Eg. 3
"This bar is shit, why are we here?"
"Sam Plan!"
by Sam plan victim May 19, 2008
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Sam Hunt, or more appropriately Sam Cunt, is a "country music" 'artist' who sounds like a failed rapper's tone-deaf cousin. Granted he has, like, one half-decent song. But, other than that his music is complete and utter dogshit.
Anyone who thinks Sam Hunt is a good musician should visit a proctologist to see if they can get their head removed from their own ass.
by NiGhTwINg150 August 12, 2018
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