When the lady came walking past, that old chap went wild and out.
by randydarsh April 3, 2015
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A demented human with a strange obsession with writing and drawing. Will be very aggressive when sketchbook is stolen. Observe the wild Charlie from a distance for safety. They tend to have dark brown hair (length varies) and brown eyes, but they wish they had a different eye colour because they think that brown = boring. They also want to die their hair some sort of colour that looks like toxic sludge because they think that their hair is also boring, but they don't want to murder their hair with dye.
They want to cut their hair and call their friends idiot sandwiches, quoting the chef Gordon Ramsay. Their friend *is* Gordon Ramsay, so don't question the lovely lovely logic of the wild Charlie. Their friend, Gordon Ramsay, tends to call people buckets and monsters, influencing the wild Charlie to call them an idiot sandwich. They laugh too much and when they listen to their own voice they realize how weird they sound. When happy, they sound like a mutated chipmunk. Mildly concerning, but it is the normal behaviour of a wild Charlie.
"Watch the strange behaviour of The Wild Charlie."
by A Wild Charlie May 26, 2021
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That wild boar was getting filthy last night. She dangerous.
by Coyote Kyle February 7, 2023
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A hardo that isn’t necessarily in the same tax bracket as a domesticated hardo but is just as hardo-ish. These types are typically more raw and pure than the “domesticated” hardos.
My neighbor is a wild hardo. He drives a F150 with a confederate flag on the back.
by Karlthefug April 17, 2021
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Either: The flower Dianthus Plumarius, also known as "the common pink," "garden pink," or "wild pink"

Or: A slang term for "Vagina."
dude, tonight we're going to go out and slay some wild pink.
by prinharin April 16, 2018
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Aight, let me introduce ya to this guy, Obi-Wild! Hold up, don't let that name trick you into thinking he's a rebel or something. This dude is calmer than a granny knitting on a slow Sunday. Man, Obi-Tame would be more like it, real talk.

Now, when you first catch sight of Obi-Wild, you're gonna be like 'damn!' Homie got a jawline so sharp it could chop vegetables, and his eyes? Deep like the ocean. But, don't get it twisted, behind that buff exterior is the most toe-sucking, bone-and-blood guy you'd ever meet. Think of him as a Picasso painting, but Picasso only drawing guys who suck toes.

When it comes to chat, Obi lets his looks do all the work. I mean, he leans on his looks heavier than a teenager leans on WiFi. If you took away those good looks, you'd be left with a guy who's got an unhealthy obsession with toes. Riveting, right?

But here's the kicker. Man's got a name like Obi-Wild, but he's more civil than the Queen taking tea. Makes the royals look like they're running wild at a rave, innit?

And don't even get me started on his taste in food. Man walks into a Nandos, you'd expect something a bit spicy, yeah? Nah, not our Obi. He's the kinda guy to slap ketchup on his chicken. Ketchup! On Nandos chicken! I've heard of keeping it safe, but this is next level.

Obi-Wild, he had mad potential. Could've been a proper firecracker, but ended up fizzling out like a cheap sparkler. Our 'wild one' gone mild.
by Jxmmy667 July 18, 2023
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When a man goes into a zoo inclosure for monkeys and has his way with them.
He wild apes all the damn time
by Thankancerboi March 2, 2017
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