An east Anglian English alternative for 'mind your own business'. Especially used by the older generation - and knitters.
Kevin: "Mate, you are making that pasta all wrong, you add pasta to sauce not sauce to pasta".
Derik: "Kevin, why don't get on with your own knitting unless you want to make dinner".
by TobEyEuz May 18, 2015
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When someone mocks you for not putting a price tag on the foreign objects you leave behind in the toilet it's art some might say, or when you frequently don't flush the toilet and someone notices your master piece. "Hey Sam I've been noticing you've been leaving behind presents in the works toilet 🚽 do you mind flushing it, it stinks." "Of course after you walk across Lego pieces and glass shards we'll have a deal pal."
own up to my shit action, verb, adjective should take part of owning up to your responsibility whether it's physical or imagery.
by alligatorpizza October 25, 2023
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(Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand,)

To be made a fool of
by frabrizio September 10, 2018
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To be made a fool of; To make a fool of; To confound or prove wrong; embarrasing someone: Being embarrased. to own someone; be owned to extreme conditions.
you are walking by a table in the cafeteria where the hottest girls in your school are sitting. you accidentally rip one really loud. you cannot blame this event on anyone else. u feel like there's a stick of butter sliding its way up ur anus rim, then u shit ur pants. trying to play it cool, u sit down next to the girls. u hear squish. you are snake owned.
by allahiah January 22, 2007
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Describes a connection with someone to whom you're referring. They can be a friend, a lover, a person you're simply talking to but feel connected to more deeply than just as an acquaintance. A way to refer to a person instead of using "man". Someone who's part of your crew, family or simply someone you want to be connected to.
Boy: hahahaha you are ridiculous
Girl: My own, laugh at me again and I'll smack you
by SwissCow June 3, 2022
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To give positive affirmation to one’s self. A phrase of encouragement or pride of one’s action being made or done.
A: Wow! You did this by yourself?
B: Yea! It looks so good man. Boosting my own bottom!
by foreheadcrew October 7, 2022
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