Having an extreme personality split. Going from being the sweetest angel to a complete asshole in a second- similar to bipolar
Freddie is really sweet but he has a serious case of Assholisim Syndrome
by T.Kungoane January 31, 2017
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When you die from a disease or other illness that you made fun of in the past.
John Bain Syndrome got its name from John Peter Bain A.K.A "The Cynical Brit." In the early 2010s, he came under fire for telling someone to "go get cancer and die."

Needless to say, the Internet was NOT very sympathetic when he revealed that he had cancer himself, citing this infamous moment many times. They practically rejoiced when he revealed that it was terminal.
by Someone who kinda exists May 24, 2021
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When a naturally red headed girl or women both adolescent or adult have the same color hair in the pubic region and the scalp region.
Damn she got a fire crotch, no actually she got Sheetson-Johannis Syndrome.
by Dr. Bert Delgado January 28, 2009
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When you're playing a shitty game with shitty friends and your computer decides to make your frame rate the same as a slideshow presentation.
Oh fuck, I'm having slideshow syndrome again. Better restart my computer.
by random.brawl.player August 31, 2022
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Saqr scrim Syndrome is when the popular scrim server “saqr” hires dumb fucks rather than good hard working people as their staff on their discord server
Oh hey! Did you see the new Saqr Scrim staff?
Nah, didn’t see it and don’t want to see it, it’s the Saqr Scrim Syndrome they just pick dumb people as staffs
by SaifYoo January 11, 2022
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A syndrome only possible only in saqr scrims Server ME, It runs deep in the veins of SAQR staff’s
Oh no, Them saqr scrims keep letting terrible mods and chat mods, they probably have Saqr Scrim Syndrome 🤢
by SaifYoo January 11, 2022
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First found in Fabian Goebel. Fabian Goebel is a non-communicable disease that makes you suck at video games no matter how much you practice.
Fabian Syndrome can infect other people. His friends are already infected from him.
by I h8 ConCr January 2, 2017
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