cooper is the sexiest and muscular man there is. he has a massive shlong and the girls love him and he is loved by all. he is also daddy
cooper boyle is such a stud
by the-mighty-goeb May 7, 2021
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a gay cunt with curtains who constantly smokes durries and jumps from chick to chick. he’s nice to you only if you shout him weed and sex. he has an addiction to his jawline on his snapchat story and shit talking his fellow peers. although cooper may be very charming to some, he will fuck with your feelings. he’s kinda short tho
“hey ladies, i just got a 30 bag, wanna get high and let me eat you out” - cooper
“oh cooper prior you’re so charming tehe” - ladies
by brett charlie April 15, 2019
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It’s a proven fact that cooper loves kaelynn more than anything on this planet or known to this universe cause it just is
Cooper loves kaelynn more than anything
by 69696969686968 May 6, 2019
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tall math teacher big beard. looks bad w/o one
slightly unhinged and bipolar

big football guy

overall, cool math guy
Guy “yo it’s Mr. Cooper!”
C-dawgdon’t call me that.”
by blerrrrp June 17, 2022
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a nice ass mf teacher that gives assignments on convenient dates and makes homework due three days later
Good thing Mr. Cooper assigns CK12 on Friday and makes it due Monday at 11:59 PM, I wanna spend my weekend
by nugget_ October 26, 2020
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the big boi who is gonna fuck lauren and then in a loli voice say "oi that was good eh, now make me eh some spagetti" and then go catch a fub on fortnite battle royale in duos with reggie (whos body is quite still ready) on the nintendo switch.
oi did you hear how bryce cooper got that dub?
by fuckaduck274 March 11, 2019
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Pour hiv positive nut into a fresh bottle of whole milk and you will have cooper's cream
by Bdjeuebdhh77784 January 24, 2021
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