Is a popular dish in the middle east. In arabic it's called وراه عنب its made up of grade leaves wrapped around a hand full of rice
Broo paper grapes are sooo good
by Mirosupermacy October 7, 2022
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When you slurp something down your gullet without chewing
Person 1: Aww, man, what should I do with this food? I don't know the best way to eat it.
Person 2: When in doubt, just pop it down like a peeled grape. It's great! Or should I say, grape? Laughs maniacally.
Person 1: ...
by friendlybean February 3, 2019
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Avoid eating these at all costs! These grapes are poisonous and 1-5 weeks after you ate one you’ll experience repugnant pain.
Colossal Grapes are very poisonous
by Dr.Wots July 29, 2019
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the act of shaving one's pubes into the mouth of another. Then forcing them to eat a jelly sandwich.
Karen enjoys a grape Jed after a good rogering.
by Dongsaladsurprise February 5, 2020
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Groped and raped at the same time.
I went to the shop and the shop keeper graped me.
by August 26, 2021
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A conglomeration of the words 'game' and 'raped' typically used by MMORPG gamers when their character is unfairly pwned by either a mob of opposing online gamers or NPCs.
Dood! Where the hell were you?! I just got graped by a huge wad of spawncampers!

by ChrispyTheRed March 9, 2007
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