The check the food server brings you at the end of a meal
"Are you guys finished"?

"Yes bring us The William".
by Spinny April 5, 2008
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Extremely handsome guy. He's funny, will make you laugh and smile more than you ever thought was possible. Being with him makes you feel like you're on cloud 9. His personality is that that is rare because its so beautiful. He's charming and a complete gentleman. He's kinda goofy, but that only part f his charm. He's the best kisser that a girl can asked for and knows how to touch you in all the right places. He will make you believe you living a fairytale and that you're finally having your story that you read when you're a little girl.

William: your heart beating fast

girl giggles and blush

William starts singing: My body telling me yes, but my mind is saying no

And girl cant get enough of him
by just a girl he use to know February 3, 2010
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William is a great guy. He is dependable and awesome. He cares about the people he loves. He is the best big brother ever. When I was 6 years old I scraped my knee he got a paper towel and Dabbed until the blood stopped, then he put a bandage on it. If you have a William in your life hold on to him and love him. It is so hard to be mad at him because he is just the best person ever.
Be thankful for \a William.
by #2 big bro’s December 31, 2021
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The most amazing guy you will ever meet. He's sweet and perfect. He's the modern-day Romeo and he'll do every cheesy thing you've ever wanted a guy to do.
Oh yeah, he's one of the sexiest guys alive.
Girl 1~ So how's it goin with the new boyfried?
Gril 2~ Oh, William? He's so perfect I'll love him forever!
by datgurlll March 7, 2011
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an amazing, unique, funny guy. knows when to be serious but rarely do you see this side of him. always a smile for everyone he sees. this is the type of guy who any girl would like to marry because he is caring towards everyone. he is one of a kind, jokester, charming, loving, caring, handsome, he is all over the best guy you will ever meet in your life.
(girl)hey did you see where my library card went?

(girl)ya william has it he said he wanted to check something out.

(william)thats right im checking you both out.
by BeeBee726 February 26, 2009
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Person of high intelligence and who is esteemed amongst those that have the pleasure of truly knowing him. Protective, patient, inquisitive and usually nonplussed over trivial matters and things of the world
William is usually nonplussed in situations that cause others to become frayed at the edges.
by Phoenixx1011 July 3, 2017
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A sexy young man. Who is very talented and all the ladies love. Everyone adores him and wishes they were him.
Oh look at William today, so fly and sexy.
by Thomas Reyes February 23, 2011
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